Senior Care Franchises USA

Comfort Keepers
It’s not everyday you find business opportunities that are rewarding financially as well as emotionally. That’s one of the many special things about Comfort Keepers®, one of the leading providers of in-home care for seniors and other adults requiring additional care. Comfort Keepers provides care services like meal preparation, incidental transportation, and companionship which enables […]

ComForcare Senior Services
ComForcare Senior Services franchise members provide non-medical and skilled nursing home care primarily to the exploding market of seniors over the age 65 as well as assistance in the activities of daily living including both companion care and hands-on personal care services. ComForcare members provide much needed services that support independence, dignity and quality of […]

CareMinders Home Care, Inc.
Home care. Not just senior care (adult babysitting). All non-medical and skilled (medical) home care for all ages. Birth to passing. The entire health care continuum of home care. The most revenue opportunities in home care franchising. The most diversification of who will pay for services rendered. i.e. medical insurance companies, government agencies.

CareBuilders at Home
Developed by one of America’s leading integrated healthcare service organizations with 30 years of franchising expertise, CareBuilders at Home is the nation’s premier one-source home care solutions provider and the industry’s most unique and comprehensive approach to managing the ever-changing needs of seniors and their families. Whether we’re providing a comprehensive home care assessment, in-home […]

BrightStar Care
When a family member or loved one needs assistance, they need care only a senior care franchise industry leader can provide. BrightStar is one of the only home care franchises to not only assign a knowledgeable, compassionate nurse to oversee every case, but to require all locations to be Joint Commission accredited. All in a […]